of the course Certified mentor Hersenwerk for dogs

Due to internal reorganization our course
Hersenwerk Certified mentor
will not start in 2025

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Hersenwerk will enrich your work with dogs!Professional

When a dog is doing Hersenwerk, he is in his element. He has freedom of choice, both in what he does and how he does it. This freedom allows him to communicate in behaviour, movement and interaction with his human being.

As a dog expert, this gives you very valuable information about the dog.
The dog’s human also reveals a lot during Hersenwerk. In the way they guide their dog during the Hersenwerk and in their way of dealing with their dog in general.

What you observe during Hersenwerk in both dogs and people gives you tools to guide people and dogs from a fresh perspective. Hersenwerk teaches you not only to look, but above all to ‘see’.

You get off the beaten path. You let go of assumptions and expectations. You see the dog and his human being as they are, as individuals and in their togetherness. From that point of view you will be able to help dogs and humans connect with each other. You guide them towards ‘real contact’ based on understanding and harmony.


For whom is this course a must?

Wees een wijze baas High fiveDo you work with dogs, either professionally or as a volunteer? And would you like to guide people with dogs in Hersenwerk? Then you should definitely take our course to become a certified mentor Hersenwerk for dogs. Hersenwerk enriches your work with dogs. It is so much more than just a game!

Does Hersenwerk fit into your work with dogs?

We think so!

ProfessionalAdvice, training and coaching: it’s all about the cooperation between people and dogs. To be good at that, you need a broad perspective. Humans and dogs only give honest information when they are relaxed. In Hersenwerk, you learn to look, but above all you learn to see what is actually there. Both in the dog and in the human. A great basis to become even better in your work with dogs!

We have highlighted four pillars:
Dogs & Behaviour
Dogs & Grooming
Dogs & Health
Dogs & Care

Dogs & Behaviour

Hersenwerk teaches you to look differently at behaviour, character and the dog’s body. This information provides you with new tools for advising owners and their dogs. Not only because of the effect of Hersenwerk on the dog, but also in the interaction between people and dogs. It gives you an extra tool to help people look at their dog and his needs with more awareness.

Puppy/dog classes

Hersenwerk can be integrated into lessons to support learning to read dog language, recognise signals, facial expressions, choices and preferences. You can use it as part of the lesson or in separate lessons.

Individual coaching

Hersenwerk can be used as a means to connect people and dogs in a gentle way. Where misunderstandings have developed, Hersenwerk can provide insights and bring back the joy of being active together.

Dogs & Grooming

Hersenwerk gives relaxation, distracts from exciting situations, and can release tension: all these elements can support your work in grooming other people’s dogs.

Grooming salon

Prior to a grooming session, Hersenwerk can help the dog relax, provided he is not so tense that he will not accept food. A snuffle mat or a litter tray with treats can also provide distraction or relaxation during grooming. If a dog has experienced a lot of tension during treatment, offering Hersenwerk can help to release tension. An additional benefit is that the dog will leave the grooming salon with a positive feeling.

Dog walking service

Hersenwerk can release tension and can be a valuable addition both before a walk and when returning home. If a dog is tense at the time of pick-up, Hersenwerk can help release that tension. Bartje in de waterbakThis can be for a dog that is waiting for you in ‘bounce mode’ as well as for a dog that is a bit reserved. A short session of Hersenwerk can also help to release tension quickly when the dog is brought home and to calm down after all the stimuli he has experienced.

Individual dog walking service

Most clients choose an individual walking service to have their dog taken care of in a customised way. Offering Hersenwerk before or after the walk fits perfectly with this personal care. Even if a (temporary) physical disability is the reason, the mental stimulation of Hersenwerk can be a welcome extra service.

Dogs & Health

Hersenwerk can be of great added value in health services in various ways. On the one hand as an aid to recovery after treatment or surgery, and on the other hand within the practice. In the latter case, you can think of getting the dog used to the practice, releasing tension while waiting and distracting him during treatment.

Para-veterinarian/animal care assistant

As a para-veterinarian/animal care assistant, you are the first point of contact for the owner and the dog. You often meet the dog as a puppy and then throughout his life. Hersenwerk can help you in every phase of a dog’s life. Offering Hersenwerk at the clinic can provide valuable information to the vet prior to a consultation. After the treatment, Hersenwerk can release the dog’s tension and ensure that the dog leaves the clinic with a positive association. At introduction moments with puppies or new patients, offering an enriched environment can provide a powerful positive experience with the practice.

Physiotherapist/osteopath/massage therapist

A dog doing Hersenwerk reveals a lot about the use of his body. By letting him work in freedom, you can see his preferences and which movement he avoids. By consciously offering materials, you can invite the dog to make certain movements. Hersenwerk therefore complements the work of any expert who works with the dog’s body.

During a treatment, Hersenwerk can be used as a distraction or to take a break. After the treatment, Hersenwerk can be used to ensure that the parts of the body that have been treated remain supple by stimulating the execution or non-execution of certain movements.

Dogs & Care

Dogs in (day) care have one thing in common: they are temporarily living in a situation that is strange to them. Hersenwerk can support them in dealing with the changes, getting used to the new situation and building up a relationship of trust with their carer(s).


A dog in a shelter or refuge is uprooted; his familiar life is gone. Whether it is a dog that has been relinquished and has always had a nice life or a dog that came from a nasty situation, the shelter or refuge is unknown to him and this will cause tension. Getting used to the new living conditions, habits and people takes time and will be easier for some dogs than for others. By offering Hersenwerk, the dog can relax, put his thoughts aside and thereby relax his body. Especially when the Hersenwerk is offered by a regular carer, the dog will show himself more and more. The behaviour the dog shows during the Hersenwerk can be valuable information to give him a better chance to be re-homed quickly.


Dogs in a boarding kennel have lost their familiar world just like dogs in a shelter. Especially for dogs that are not often taken into care, this is quite a transition, no matter how good the care is. Offering Hersenwerk creates peace of mind and body. It will positively influence the association with life at the kennel and the dog will experience more peace during his stay. It is also a nice extra service for the owners. They will enjoy their holiday even more knowing that their dog is being guided in a tailor-made way.

Individual care

If an owner opts for individual care, he will find a personal approach important. By offering Hersenwerk, you not only provide the dog with a pleasant period of stay, but you can also keep the owner informed of his dog’s activities. Both dog and owner will certainly appreciate this.


Wees een wijze baasDo you work with dogs and want to integrate Hersenwerk into your work? Then you can choose to do the course to become a certified mentor Hersenwerk for yourself, but you can also choose to collaborate with us. Our national and international mentors are happy to meet with you live and online to discuss which support would best suit your needs. Interested? Mail to office@hersenwerkvoordieren.nl


Docententeam Hersenwerk voor honden


Tessa Savelkoel Marieke Smit
Tessa Savelkoel –
Puzzle Dog
Marieke Smit –
Marleen van Baal – Hersenwerk for Animals